Search results for: "Men's rights"

The MRA Venn Diagram:


Mr. Blunt and Cranky

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Yet another mamma-threw-away-the-child-and-raised-the-afterbirth chucklef*** demonstrates why the “Men’s Rights Activists” are all a bunch of criminally insane loserboys. One Roosh Vörek wants to make rape legal. Don’t believe it? Here are his very own “thoughts”:

I thought about this problem and am sure I have the solution: make rape legal if done on private property. I propose that we make the violent taking of a woman not punishable by law when done off public grounds.

The exception for public rape is aimed at those seedy and deranged men who randomly select their rape victims on alleys and jogging trails, but not as a mechanism to prevent those rapes, since the verdict is still out if punishment stops a committed criminal mind, but to have a way to keep them off the streets. For all other rapes, however, especially if done in a dwelling or on private property, any and all rape that happens should be completely legal.

If rape becomes legal under my proposal, a girl will protect her body in the same manner that she protects her purse and smartphone. If rape becomes legal, a girl will not enter an impaired state of mind where she can’t resist being dragged off to a bedroom with a man who she is unsure of—she’ll scream, yell, or kick at his attempt while bystanders are still around. If rape becomes legal, she will never be unchaperoned with a man she doesn’t want to sleep with. After several months of advertising this law throughout the land, rape would be virtually eliminated on the first day it is applied.

Here, Gentle Reader, is the paragon of masculinity from whom those “ideas” spurted:

Yeah, looks like a misogynistic a**hole, doesn’t he? No wonder he wants rape to be legal.

A counterproposal, then, for the “blogger” Roosh V: you want legal rape? How about we say women can legally cut off your wedding tackle whenever they want. Yours and that of any other rapist, sex criminal, MRA, or other mouthbreathing toilet stains who think they have a right to rape women.

Oh, you don’t like that idea, Mr. Vörek? Funny how that works.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky

There is no need for a “men’s rights” anything. We males own most of the world’s wealth, control most of its governments, and are in charge of nearly all of its law-enforcement. Really, who is oppressing us? Answer: no-f***ing-body is oppressing us. The only people who think we need such a “movement” are pathetic, useless, violent, stupid, hateful, misogynistic people who can’t even be called “motherf***ers”, because no woman in the world would willingly f*** them.

via "Men's Rights Activist" Busted for Beating the S*** out of a Prostitute.

Roy T. Dye, “men’s rights activist” is such a loser, he has to pay women to have sex with him. Not only that, he beats them when they show up to provide paid sex services. Yes, this is what the “men’s rights movement” is: men who hate and abuse women.

Don’t believe it? Look at their Facebook page, if you can stomach it. It’s full of seriously sick, twisted s***. Racism, sexism, lies, hatred, yep, that’s what these pathetic needle-dicked little s***s are all about.

There is no need for a “men’s rights” anything. We males own most of the world’s wealth, control most of its governments, and are in charge of nearly all of its law-enforcement. Really, who is oppressing us? Answer: no-f***ing-body is oppressing us.

The only people who think we need such a “movement” are pathetic, useless, violent, stupid, hateful, misogynistic people who can’t even be called “motherf***ers”, because no woman in the world would willingly f*** them. They take their psychotic attitudes and try to pretend they are somehow “victims” of all those big, bad, evil wimminfolk and their global conspiracy to cut off our penises (really, one of their posts actually mentions the need to protect our junk from the feministas).

So, the next time one of your Facebook “friends” posts a “men’s rights” link, just remind them that the guy behind it is a woman-beating, unemployed piece of crap that has to pay women to talk to him. An inspiring leader, isn’t he?

Mr. Blunt and Cranky

Martin Luther King died so that others could live free. Today, idiots like Clarence Thomas like to pretend that Dr. King’s sacrifice was no biggie, so let’s get rid of all the laws that helped people of color to make progress towards equality in America. Even worse, lots of young black folk have no clue about the Civil Rights movement and what sacrifices they made: so they take their recently-won rights for granted. Small wonder those rights are being taken away by courts and Red State governments even as we commemorate the March on Washington.

And it’s not just African-Americans: dolts like Marissa Meyer diss feminism because hey, she was able to become a big-shot CEO, so the struggle for women’s rights must have been no biggie. Those feminists that millions of idiots make jokes about made it possible for women to vote, to have jobs, to have their own credit cards and many other rights. And because so many women take the sacrifices of feminists for granted, their newly-won rights are also are being taken away by courts and Red State governments.

Lots of “Republicans”  like to pretend that we no longer need the rights of free speech, assembly, and privacy (among others) because hey, they can do anything they damned well please, so clearly, the Bill of Rights is no longer necessary. These idiots forget the Founding Fathers and their efforts to secure those rights for us. And because so many Americans take the sacrifices of Washington, Jefferson  for granted, our newly-won rights are also are being taken away by courts and Red State governments.

We must take a  moment to remember, on historic days like these, that it wasn’t just flowery speeches and signatures on documents that won those rights for us. No, it was blood and sweat, tears and torture, endurance and indomitable courage pitted against seemingly omnipotent and impregnable opponents that won those rights. And if we take our recently-won rights for granted, all of us will have to fight those fights all over again.

By remembering the sacrifices of those warriors who won our rights for us, we honor them; we also safeguard ourselves, and the country we love.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky

Unlike a stopped clock, Senator Paul is not always right twice a day. Some days, it’s only once (if at all). And when he IS right, it’s usually for a fraction of a second. But when it comes to Shrubya’s bastard offspring “Patriot Act”, a grudging acknowledgement of correctness is due the man: his opposition is a very good thing indeed.

KY Senator AynRand Paul is wrong on pretty much everything else: taxation, the social contract, women’s rights, fiscal policy, energy, and so on. But for this one nanosecond, he’s right. It’s time our government stopped treating each and every American as a potential terrorist (which is what the Patriot Act’s bulk data collection program does).

So kudos to Senator Paul. He’s almost never right, but he is in this case.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky

Seriously, what else can explain their actions of the past 35 years, since the Reaganistas took over a formerly rational political party? Consider these few examples of many:

Number A: Teapublicans in Congress are openly sabotaging negotiations between the USA and a hostile foreign power, even though the Constitution says that foreign policy is in the Executive Branch’s portfolio. So Boehner’s invitation to Bibi to “address” the Congress is more than just another of his drunkard’s hissy-fits: it violates the Constitution. Not that he is any stranger to extra-constitutional actions, of course. Look at his actions as they relate to women’s rights, minority rights, voting rights, and so on: Boehner and the rest of his party are actively breaking the law, based on an illegal premise, for an illegal purpose.

Letter 2: Teapubbies are a load of “Christian” evangelicals who want to trash the Establishment Clause and set up a Theocracy. They claim that this is a Christian nation, even though the law pretty clearly says otherwise:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.[1]

Thirdly: Teapubbies are frequently Secessionist scumballs. Such as the seditious “Republic of Texas”, the Southern National Congress, and the League of the South, to name but a very few.

All of these groups and people are Right-Wing Teabaggers, Libertarians and Teapublicans. None of them are Liberals. And all of them obviously hate America and its Constitution. By their actions we know them.

Likewise we know that people who vote for Teapublicans also support sedition, legislative overreach, and religious totalitarianism.

What’s that you say, dear “Republican” voter? You claim that you support the Constitution?

Bull-f***ing-s***. When you vote for a person or party that treats the law of the land like a**wipe, you support that treatment, as surely as if it were your own toilet into which the soiled Constitution got dropped and flushed away.

By our votes people know us. If you are voting for Teapubbies… *flush*

Mr. Blunt and Cranky

The modern-day versions of the He-Man Woman-Haters Club reared their butt-ugly heads in response to yesterday’s post about the type of pro-rape a**holes that infest the anti-woman fringe. The needle-d***ed little boys who defended their rape-endorsing comrade said lots of tough-sounding things, in their own little safe zones such as “Feminism is a Hate Movement”:

But hey, you’re a liar.

This ever-so-incisive rebuttal focuses on yesterday’s a**hole du jour not being a “real” Men’s Rights Advocate, as if that were the point of the post. But hey, if he’s such a delusional nitwit as to support the claim that wanting equal rights = hate, we really can’t expect cogency.

Plus there’s this little bit of not-even-brave-enough-to-backstab mewling from “Buttsock” (his own handle, not mine):

and thus, i present “A Step by Step Guide on How to Be Disgusting”, by tumblr userbluntandcranky

STEP 1: Pretend something is there

STEP 2: Yell at it until people pay attention to you

Source: bluntandcranky i hate this websitegod i hate this fucking website so much

One might at least expect someone who is so angry about a blog post to call the blogger out in the comments section of the offending blog. Nope. This bunch of cowering little wussies did their name-calling on their own widdle tumblr pages, being too skeeered to even comment to my digital face. What a bunch of whiny, wimpy, trembling little poltroons.

Really, anti-feminists, like all other anti-equality jackholes, are frightened little boys in men’s bodies. They use their big mouths to compensate for their undersized courage (and undersized cojones, at least metaphorically). Christ on a trailer hitch, what kind of pathetic milquetoast can’t even bring himself to send a digital comment to such an insignificant f***ing blog site as this one? (Let’s be honest, I love writing this blog, but it ain’t famous. Not even infamous.)

Clearly, the MRA wimps and their type are anti-woman because women terrify them. Maybe, if they didn’t have such a lack of testicular fortitude, they could show some guts and take the time to get to know some women, relate to them, understand them, and learn to respect thems. Women, after all, are the only reason any of us get born in the first place.

MRA a**wipes and those that defend their inhuman agendas need to wake up, nut up, wise up and step up. Instead of hiding in their scummy, slimy, loathesome little holes whining piteously amongst their cowardly selves about an anti-rape blog post.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky

Wingnuts are in high gear of late, proclaiming their usual canard about there “being little or no difference between the parties”. Bull-f***ing-s***. Today’s debunking: women’s rights.

Huge differences abound: look at the current Teapubbie and Democratic platforms:

Number A: Repubs think women should allowed to die rather than allow them to have a life-saving abortion. Dems do NOT believe this.

Letter 2: Repubs think women should not be allowed to use birth control, or at least be deprived of insurance coverage if they need it. Oh, and that applies even if the pills are being used for other medical reasons than birth control. Dems do NOT believe this, either.

Thirdly: Repubs believe women should be made to work harder and be paid less. Once again: Democrats do NOT share this belief.

Ignore the lunatics of the fringe: the parties are VERY different. A vote for a Dem IS a vote against Repubs. Get on out and vote Dem.

Unless, of course, you hates you some women. If so, sit out the election or vote Republican. If not, get out and vote AGAINST the party that hates your mothers, sisters, and every woman on Earth. Any electoral action  OTHER  than a vote for a Dem is an attack on women. Period.

“No difference”, my Cranky A**. Tomorrow: Repubs’ love affair with terrorists.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky

This post has a very narrow audience: those who say they will not vote unless the candidates are sufficiently in line with their personal beliefs, and think that by withholding their vote they will somehow “teach the party a lesson”. It is not targeted at any other people or groups. S’alright? S’alright.

Many of the party apparatchiks, leaders and candidates (for example, Hillary Clinton) are millionaires, and will not be hurt by your lack of participation in a hypothetical future contest. They should pay a price, but they will not. They might write books, consult, bloviate, become the ambassador to Lower Maylohda, or join the punditocracy: but one thing that they will not do is suffer. Not one wee bit.

No, the people who will be hurt by the lack of participation in a given race will be the poor. The children. The elderly. The minorities. The women. THEY will pay the price for your bitterness, defeatism and despair. You might not pay a price, the candidates might not pay…but nothing is free in this world. Somebody always pays.

In the last election, in one Ohio state congressional district, a (literal) handful of voters failed to vote for the Democrat in the race, and the Teapublican won. That state is now 100% Red. Dems have NO POWER OVER STATE GOVERNMENT.

Voting rights are being taken away. Women’s rights are being obliterated. Children are starving and dying. Millionaires are profiting and the rest of us are struggling. Because a very few voters made the choice you propose to make.

Think a bit before you decide to be dogmatic. Think of those four voters who did what you say you will do. Every vote counts. And every vote has a consequence.

Perhaps God should have mercy on those who abandon their fellow Americans to poverty, privation, and death; but the rest of us shouldn’t.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky