Archives for posts with tag: Immigration

Remember 9/11? And how the Bushistas said we really needed the Patriot Act? And the repeal of habeas corpus? And warrantless wiretaps? And secret agencies and laws (and tons of oh-so-secret funding)? And a couple of land wars that killed lots of soldiers and civilians?

And a new Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to rule them all, and in the darkness bind them? Ohmygoodnessgracious, the DHS was ESSENTIAL to winning the Global War on Terror (GWOT) (Teapubbies totally suck out loud at acronyms, have you ever noticed?). We simply HAD to have it, and to spend billions of taxpayer dollars on it. And right away, too. Remember?

Of course you remember. So do we all. Which makes things seem puzzling today, when the Teapublicans are willing to kneecap that ever-so-very important agency, just to stick a thumb in Obama’s eye. How could they take such a risk to such an all-important entity over such a trivial matter of prosecutorial discretion of alleged illegal immigrants?

The answer is obvious: DHS isn’t really important.

DHS, GWOT, and the entirety of the “Republican agenda” of the day was, is, and will always be neither more nor less than  a right-wing wet dream come true; an enormous, extra-constitutional seizure of power and money, designed solely to enrich and empower a privileged few while impoverishing disempowering the masses.

Now that we know this to be the case, it’s time to do away with DHS and every other Bush-era “Republican” piece of policy or law that has anything at all to do with national security: because it was bulls*** when it was proposed, bulls*** when enacted, bulls*** when expanded, and is still bulls*** today.

Away with Gitmo, torture, wiretaps,  secrecy, imperialist wars of choice,  the Patriot Act, all of it. Throw it all onto the dungheap of history (as one should always do with bulls***) and return our stolen funds and freedoms to us.

And prosecute the conniving mammy-jammers responsible for the scam as well. Let them stand under the crap they created as we pitchfork it onto their compost pile.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky

That is, after all, what one does when laws are broken, yes? And Little Johnny Boehner says laws were broken, yes sirree:

” This is not about, actually, the issue of immigration,” said Boehner after a closed-door meeting with rank-and-file Republicans. “What it is: It’s about the president acting lawlessly.”

We’re voting to block the president’s overreach,” Boehner told reporters on Tuesday, when asked about the potential impact on the Latino vote. “His executive overreach, which I believe is beyond his constitutional duty and frankly violates the Constitution itself.”

Ooooh, sounds like quite the crime spree. You’d think the Speaker would have platoons of lawyers clamoring at the doors of Federal courts, demanding that justice be wrought upon the Eeevil Obamanator.

But he hasn’t. Instead, he is trying to deport Hispanics. Uhhhhhh …. How, Mr. Speaker, does that address the Prexy’s supposed extra-constitutional, “lawless”, dictatorial actions?

The answer is, of course, these deportations have NOTHING AT ALL TO DO with any alleged illegal Presidential acts. It’s just Teapublicans being their usual racist, bigoted, corrupt, motherf***ing selves.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky

And the “Republicans” are pissed off by this? Dafuq? No, seriously, daFUQ?

Obama is pretty much taking a set of classical Repub ideas and putting them into effect. Nothing all that drastic: they all boil down to law enforcement decisions. More cops, more prosecutions, more tax enforcement. Law and order.

Any Teapubbie who is shrieking and freaking over this Presidential speech is a liar and/or a f***wit. The Prexy is taking old-school Republican policies and putting them into effect, and the GOPee are acting like it’s TEOTWAKI.

But then, they did the same thing when he took their health care plan (the ACA), so it really shouldn’t surprise anyone that the lying sacks of s*** are doing it again.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky

All studies are based on assumptions, and the recent Immigration Cost-Benefit Analysis from Jim DeMint’s latest scam the Heritage Foundation is no exception. And the liberals that hates them some Heritage Foundation are quite right in attacking the assumption that immigrants would be a drag on the economy because of their level of education.

That assumption and the study as a whole have already been pretty thoroughly eviscerated, but there is one assumption that has been missed thus far: DeMint and Co.assume that wealth is being taken from the rich and given to the poor. This is the exact opposite of what has actually happened: in fact, the majority of the nation’s wealth has been handed over to the wealthiest among us since the dawn of the Reagan Era.

Anyone expecting objectivity from a Wingnut outfit like the Heritage Foundation is likely to be sorely disappointed, of course. Even the Libertarian sock puppet Cato Institute has debunked the study, which shows you how crazy it is. But when this writer heard DeMint spouting off about “wealth redistribution” this morning, he knew there was something else lurking in the bowels of this study.

And, like the contents of most bowels, this assumption and the study on which it was based is just so much s***.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky

Sometimes, people don’t even realize when they are being funny: that would appear to be the case with this hysterically funny congresscritter:Bob Goodlatte

In an interview about immigration policy, he actually said…give us a second here….oh my….sorry, this is so funny, can’t stop laughing long enough to type…

He said that the President needed to “back off and let the Congress do its work”.

Is that funny, or what? Congress? WORK? Stop it, man, you’re killing me…

Mr. B & C